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  • 公司地址: 甘肃省 兰州 城关区 兰州市城关区曹家巷1号西北书城15楼
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    金昌托福 欢迎咨询 甘肃爱美信国际职业培训学校供应

  • 所属行业:教育 外语培训
  • 发布日期:2019-12-31
  • 阅读量:126
  • 价格:面议
  • 产品规格:齐全
  • 产品数量:1.00 套
  • 包装说明:简单
  • 发货地址:甘肃兰州城关区  
  • 关键词:金昌托福

    金昌托福 欢迎咨询 甘肃爱美信国际职业培训学校供应详细内容

    How do I describe a cycle?

    A cycle is different from a process, because there is no beginning and no end. The cycle repeats itself,金昌托福,金昌托福. So sometimes it’s difficult to know where to start! But because it’s a cycle, it doesn’t really matter where you start as long as you give an overview of the whole cycle (‘Overall…’) and enough detail about the main stages,金昌托福.

    Things to remember when you describe a cycle

    Using the Present Tense

    Because the cycle happens all the time the only tense you usually need is thePresent Simple e.g. the sun rises in the East and sets in the West. Of course you’ll remember to use the 3rd person ‘s’ as in this example.

    As soon as the milk and dairy products have been processed and packaged, they are then sent out to supermarkets where they are then stacked onto shelves ready for purchase.

    Paraphrasing hint: In the question it says “The diagram below shows the production and …” this needs to be paraphrased by changing the word “shows” to “indicates” or “illustrates” the word Diagram is not paraphrased because there is no way to paraphrase that word. It will always be a diagram.Grouping the information.

    Carbon is also released back into the atmosphere, however, through various means. One is when animals and plants respire, and another is when humans burn fossil fuels in cars and factories. All this carbon enters the atmosphere as CO2. It is then reabsorbed by plants, and the cycle begins again.

    Overall, we can see that carbon moves in a natural cycle, although human factors may now be affecting the balance.

    Why does this Task 1 answer get an IELTS Band 8 score?Task achievement: The model answer selects and describes most components of the cycle diagram except for waste products and ocean uptake. There is an overall description of the cycle followed by a clearly sequenced and divided description of the stages. The summary identifies something noteworthy about the diagram. The length is sufficient.
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